Saturday, January 23, 2010

January Updates

Well, we're almost a whole month into 2010 and I've yet to start on any of my New Year's Resolutions (so typical of me). I've attempted to several times - only to discover that I'm my own worst enemy (hey, at least I admit it)!

I did manage to get Brady in for his 1-year checkup. He's now 29 inches tall and weighs 21.9 lbs. (50th percentile for both height and weight). He's starting to talk (mama, dada), and has given up crawling for good! He is a busy, busy boy...but such a delight (if I say so myself)! :-)

Katie & Brady, best buds...

Katie reading to Brady...

Katie "feeding" Brady (is she a "little mommy" or what?)...

It seemed like a cozy place to lay...

Dylan's idea of helping me empty the trash...

Speaking of Dylan, he's been busy as well. He's doing very good in cards just came out and he made A/B Honor Roll again! He started guitar lessons a week ago and seems to be enjoying it so far. And, he's a huge help with Brady (when he's not doing things like putting him in the trash can)!

1 comment:

  1. I love the new wintery look Michelle! Can't wait for Spring though! The pics of Brady and Katie are adorable!
