Brady is a very sound sleeper...he sleeps from about 8pm until 7am the next morning and ALWAYS wakes up smiling, laughing, and cooing. Really, I couldn't ASK for a better baby! On Friday, he woke up SCREAMING at around 3am. I picked him up and could feel his tummy gurgling so I assumed that he had a bad case of gas. I got him settled and back to bed. At 5am, the same thing...hysterical screaming. I got up, gave him a bottle, and held him until he fell back to sleep. Dylan said, "Mom, I think something is wrong with his eyes...he won't open them." I had noticed some puffiness and swelling, esp. around his left eye, but assumed that it was from crying and/or rubbing it. I took him to Angie's and headed off to work. Around 11:30, Angie called and said that he was inconsolable and that his eye was all swollen. I made him a dr's appt. and took him in. After examining him from head-to-toe, the dr. dyed his eyes and shined a special light on them to illuminate the dye. There was a huge scratch inside his left eye!!! The dr. gasped and said that she had never seen such a bad abrasion in a baby's eye. She said that I needed to head straight to Nemours to have him checked by a pediatric opthamologist. She called Nemours and let them know that we were on our way. Once there, he was given a thorough eye exam and we were told that he had torn his cornea, likely with his fingernail. Brady is a "snuggler" and LOVES to have his blanket up around his face.

In fact, sometimes when I check on him at night, his entire face is covered with his blanket and I have to "unbury" him. He also loves to nuzzle his face into your neck, shoulder, clothes, etc. Needless to say, his hands are always up around his face in an attempt to pull his blanket up there. I try to keep his nails short, but sometimes they end up growing out before I have a chance to trim them again. So, the opthamologist tells us that, luckily, he didn't do any further damage to his eye (other than the tear) and that most corneal abrasions heal fairly quickly. He said he'd likely be very fussy and agitated, though, because the cornea is THE most sensitive area on the body and that any injury to it causes a great amount of pain (no wonder my poor baby woke up screaming)!!! Unfortunately, there's nothing that can be given except for Tylenol and antibiotic eye ointment. Here's a shot of his poor eye...

He's still recovering but seems to be doing better today. Here he is, watching Dylan play with his wrestlers...

THEN my sister called and said that they had found their beloved dog, Rock, dead when they came home. He was her "baby" before she had babies! Rock had been throwing up for a few days but so had their other dog, Zoey. Zoey had recovered so they assumed that it was just a bug and that Rock would get better as Zoey had. Unfortunately, Rock didn't recover. He was a "gentle giant" who will be greatly missed. Despite his big size and "dangerous breed" reputation (he was a Rottie), he had the most gentle & loving nature. We will miss you, Rock! :-(
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