Brady is steadily coming along with his crawling...although he'd prefer to
walk instead! He would much rather be on his feet than his knees, and sometimes does a "crab crawl" (on hands and feet, butt up in the air) instead of a normal baby crawl. He has also started pulling himself up on things and trying to stand. This has resulted in quite a few bumps, bruises, and tears lately, as he's not quite steady enough on his feet yet. He's a determined 'lil bugger, though, and continues trying! Convinced I was looking at a "genius in training", I was encouraging this behavior, but his dr. informed me that it's NOT a good thing! She said that EVERY skill a baby learns has a specific purpose. Crawling, for instance, teaches them cross-coordination which is a skill that's used in sports & physical activity later in life. So, if he learns to walk too quickly, and doesn't put in the appropriate amount of "crawl time", it could have a negative impact later in life.
WHO KNEW??? (I just thought the kid was way ahead of his time)!!! :-)
Here are a few pictures from the past week:
Brady getting into his "blankie" bin...

Playing in mommy's shoe box...

Dylan swimming in the St. Johns...

Brady at the park...